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  • 嘉祥長(zhǎng)城雕刻有限公司
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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2012-05-22 00:00:28 閱讀:5921


    石獸共分6種,每種4只,均呈兩立兩跪狀。將它們陳列于此,賦有一定含義。例如,雄獅威武,而且善戰(zhàn);獬豸為傳說(shuō)中的神獸,善辨忠奸,慣用頭上的獨(dú)角去頂觸邪惡之人。獅子和獬豸均是象征守陵的衛(wèi)士。麒麟,為傳說(shuō)中的"仁獸",表示吉祥之意。駱駝和大象,忠實(shí)善良,并能負(fù)重遠(yuǎn)行。駿馬善于奔跑,可為坐騎。石人分勛臣、文臣和武臣,各4尊,為皇帝生前的近身侍臣,均為拱手執(zhí)笏的立像,威武而虔誠(chéng)。在皇陵中設(shè)置這種石像生,早在兩千多年前的秦漢時(shí)期就有了。主要起裝飾點(diǎn)綴作用,以象征皇帝生前的儀威,表示皇帝死后在陰間也擁有文武百官及各種牲畜可供驅(qū)使,仍可主宰一切。人物石雕大松石雕藝術(shù)滋養(yǎng)于民間的許多祠、廟、塔、橋、碑坊以及雕梁畫(huà)棟、龍柱、藻井類文物遺存之土,其石件雕刻承傳民間傳統(tǒng)雕刻之脈絡(luò),展現(xiàn)古典之風(fēng)骨,閃樂(lè)典雅之性靈。藝術(shù)的生命在于"外師造化,中得心源"。璞石與金玉是源與流,返樸才能歸真。以石悟道,以石鑒心。中國(guó)的石文化在漫長(zhǎng)的歷史長(zhǎng)河中以自身的秉性,在雕琢之中放射出性靈的光芒。讓我們?cè)谂c石的對(duì)話里,共同向世人展示自然的奧妙和人生的哲理。石料:連江青石、虹山青石、654、606#、632#、633#等石材。工序:構(gòu)思、選料、打荒、造型、刀工、點(diǎn)壓、打磨、作舊。石雕技藝中,可以跟據(jù)現(xiàn)有的石料造型、大小因材施藝,在整個(gè)雕刻過(guò)程中始終以這種清醒的創(chuàng)作理念雕刻加工。在點(diǎn)壓過(guò)程中,按照古式制法進(jìn)行打磨,其點(diǎn)壓分大中小荔枝圓點(diǎn)磨,主要功效在于不留新式刻刀痕跡。再以粗細(xì)砂布依次打磨后,加以作舊處理。中國(guó)民俗專家講:"石雕不開(kāi)光是石雕工藝品,開(kāi)光后就是具有靈氣的瑞獸。"所以"非寧?kù)o無(wú)以致遠(yuǎn);非精誠(chéng)無(wú)以神明。"我廠特聘三行大師是"中國(guó)《周易》研究會(huì)"理事,(嵩山少林寺海燈大師再傳俗家弟子)為您所用石雕禮器工藝品進(jìn)行了開(kāi)光;堪輿禮器的安放,將瑞獸安放在恰當(dāng)?shù)牡匚?;恰?dāng)?shù)南薅?;恰?dāng)?shù)臅r(shí)間(即最佳、最好、最合適)。使您的事業(yè)臻至完美,并保住完善狀態(tài)。麒麟是天上的神物,不是地上的,常伴神靈出現(xiàn),是神的座騎,屬火系屬天仙。一般不會(huì)飛,不過(guò)成年的麒麟是會(huì)飛的。成年的麒麟能大能小,平時(shí)較慈祥,發(fā)怒時(shí)異常兇猛。主聰慧,祥瑞。成年的麒麟法術(shù)全面,同龍一樣,能飛能入水,并生有雙翼但并不靠雙翼而靠駕云飛翔。山東省嘉祥縣龍騰石雕廠是集藝術(shù)設(shè)計(jì),開(kāi)發(fā)制作,生產(chǎn)刻制于一體的大型石雕貿(mào)工企業(yè)。具有圓雕,透雕,線雕,平雕,浮雕,畫(huà)雕等多種工藝,可為城市機(jī)關(guān),企業(yè),學(xué)校,公園,旅游景點(diǎn)等部門提供各種適應(yīng)的石雕藝術(shù)品。利用優(yōu)質(zhì)天青石、晚霞紅、漢白玉、砂巖、大理石、花崗石、銀灰白石、雪花白等石材雕刻成各類藝術(shù)用品和擺件,例如:歷史人物神像、花鳥(niǎo)走獸、香爐、石亭、石塔、石橋、牌坊、龍柱、浮雕、欄桿、石桌椅、石凳等,真可謂琳瑯滿目,品種繁多。"有一個(gè)美麗的傳說(shuō),精美的石頭會(huì)唱歌"。勤勞善良智慧的嘉祥人用巧手賦天青石以靈性,使美麗的傳說(shuō)在嘉祥變成活生生的現(xiàn)實(shí).嘉祥石雕,歷史悠久,雕藝精湛,風(fēng)格獨(dú)特。自古嘉祥"家家聞錘響,戶戶操釬忙"。千年以來(lái),中國(guó)嘉祥憑借其獨(dú)特的地理優(yōu)勢(shì),和嘉祥人民的智慧與勤勞,得以一直屹立在中國(guó)石雕文化的巔峰。說(shuō)起嘉祥石雕的歷史,可謂源遠(yuǎn)流長(zhǎng)。早在東漢時(shí)期,雕畫(huà)大師衛(wèi)改的"選擇名石,南山之陽(yáng),抉取妙好,色無(wú)斑黃,前設(shè)壇坦,后建祠堂,雕刻文畫(huà),羅列成行",使"武氏墓群石刻"流芳千古,被稱為古代民族文化的藝術(shù)瑰寶。武氏祠內(nèi)的一對(duì)大型石獅,是我國(guó)現(xiàn)存石獅中唯一有確切年代記載的石獅造型藝術(shù)珍品,堪稱石獅雕刻的鼻祖:兩獅昂首扭頸,張口怒目。一獅左足還撫摸著一只惹人喜愛(ài)的毛發(fā)卷曲的小獅。這些由古代嘉祥石雕藝人創(chuàng)作的石雕藝術(shù),向世界展示了我國(guó)古代石雕的輝煌成就,展示了中華民族1800年前的高超藝術(shù)水平,生動(dòng)再現(xiàn)了漢代及漢代之前的社會(huì)生活,透現(xiàn)出先秦時(shí)期的歷史文化。祠內(nèi)十大帝王圖、水陸攻戰(zhàn)圖等畫(huà)像石栩栩如生。聯(lián)合國(guó)教科文組織曾評(píng)價(jià):這些漢代石刻畫(huà)像超過(guò)了同期埃及的石刻和希臘的瓶畫(huà)。吸引了無(wú)數(shù)國(guó)內(nèi)外游客、學(xué)者前來(lái)觀賞、研討。嘉祥石雕雕藝精湛,風(fēng)格奇異,是歷代官府向朝廷進(jìn)獻(xiàn)之貢品中國(guó)最早的石雕獅子在我們嘉祥------"武氏墓群石刻"。嘉祥龍騰石業(yè)座落在聞名全國(guó)的嘉祥,風(fēng)景優(yōu)美,石材礦產(chǎn)資源非常豐富。不同的地質(zhì)構(gòu)造,大自然給予了我們得天獨(dú)厚的青石、銹石等頁(yè)巖資源。當(dāng)二十一世紀(jì)來(lái)臨的時(shí)候,人類崇尚自然,反璞歸真,移自然為家庭環(huán)境的理念越來(lái)越強(qiáng),越來(lái)越誠(chéng)。我們與石有緣,帶著對(duì)"石"的摯愛(ài)和崇尚,不斷探索進(jìn)取,用心去思索用心去雕刻,利用天然石材紋理,進(jìn)行藝術(shù)構(gòu)思,將傳統(tǒng)雕刻工藝與現(xiàn)代建筑相結(jié)合,化腐朽為神奇,天人合一。給在城市里繁忙工作的人們獻(xiàn)上一份溫馨、自然、古樸的石材和石畫(huà)作品,以滿足人們強(qiáng)力回歸自然的心境。Stone group is placed before the stone, beast, known as the statue of Health( Shirengou also called horse). From the Pavilion North two hexagonal pillar, to the Dragon Gate Stop km Shinto side, neatly arranged with24 stone animals and12stone, lively style, fine carving, deep love for the visitors. Their number, form big, sculpture is fine, preservation of good, is the ancient cemetery of rare.Stone animal is divided into6, each4, are two of two knees. They are on display in this, endowed with a certain meaning. For example, the mighty lion, and warrior; Xie Zhi for the legendary beast, contend the loyal, idiomatic head unicorn to top of the wicked. The lion and the Xie Zhi are symbolic and mausoleum guard. Kylin, as the legendary" benevolence beast," says auspicious meaning. Camels and elephants, faithful and kind, and can load. The horse is good at running, for mount. Stone branch Xun Chen, Wen Chen and Wu Chen, all4 statues, for the emperor's melee a hill, all over with wat the statues, and pious. In the setting of this statue of health, in the early two thousand years ago during the Qin and Han Dynasties have. The main decorative embellishment role, as a symbol of the emperor's Miriam Granville, said the emperor died in Hades with officials and all kinds of livestock for driving, can still be Lord of all. Figure carving large stone carving art in the folk, nourish many shrine temple, tower, bridge, Monument and a richly ornamented building, dragon column, caisson type of cultural relics of the earth, its stone carving tradition traditional folk sculpture of the choroid, show the classical strength, Shanle elegant spirit.The art of life is" nature outside, in the heart". Pu stone and jade is source and flow, returns Piao Guizhen to. Stone enlightenment, to Shi Jianxin. China stone culture in the long river of history with its own characteristics, in the Polish radiate spiritual light. Let us in and stone in the dialogue, common to show the world the secrets of nature and philosophy of life.Stone: Lianjiang Qingshi, rainbow mountain stone,654,606,632,633### stone.Procedure: conception, choice of materials, make barren, modeling, knife, point pressure, grinding, for the old. Stone carving art, according to the existing stone shape, size because of Shi Yi, in the engraving process is always in the conscious creation concept carving processing. In the pressing process, in accordance with the traditional preparation method for grinding, the grinding point pressure and litchi dots, main effect that leave no traces of new burin. In order to coarse emery cloth polishing, making old processing.Chinese folklore experts say:" do not open is a stone carving crafts stone carving, front is a spirit beast." So" peace to Zhiyuan; not sincere to the gods." Our factory specially three lines is the master of" Chinese" Zhouyi" research"( director, Shaolin Temple of Songshan Hai master send lay disciples) as you use stone ware crafts were light; geomantic ritual place, will be placed in the proper position of auspicious; appropriate limits; the right time(i.e., the best, the best the most suitable). Cause you perfect, and keep the perfect state. Kylin is heaven", not on the ground, often accompanied by God, is God mounts, a fire is a fairy. Generally will not fly, but adult kylin is flying. Adult kylin great to small, usually a kind, angry fierce when. Main method, auspicious. Adult kylin spells comprehensive, dragon, can fly into the water, and wings but does not rely on wings and fly on the cloud. Shandong province Jiaxiang county dragon stone factory is a set design, development, production integration in the making of large stone trade company. A sculpture, engraving, line engraving, Ping carving, relief sculpture, painting and other crafts, for the city authorities, enterprises, schools, parks, tourist attractions and other departments to provide all kinds of adaptation of stone carving art. The use of high-quality lapis lazuli, sunset red, white marble, sandstone, marble, granite, silvery white stone, snow white and other stone carving into various art supplies and decoration, for example: historical figures, birds and flowers, incense, beast statue, stone, stone, stone arches, columns, railings, the Dragon relief, stone tables and chairs, stools, really is a superb collection of beautiful things, variety." There is a beautiful legend, exquisite stone sing". Industrious and kind-hearted wisdom of Jiaxiang with a skilled Fu celestite spirituality, make beautiful legend in Jiaxiang to become a living reality. Jiaxiang stone carving arts, has a long history, superb, unique style. Ancient Jiaxiang"the families of Wen Chui ring, a drill drill". Since the millennium, Chinese Jiaxiang by virtue of its unique geographical advantage, and Jiaxiang people's wisdom and hard-working, be always stand in the Chinese stone culture of peak. Speak of Jiaxiang stone carving history, has a long history. In the early period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, carved painting master guardian離風(fēng)獅爺幾百米遠(yuǎn)處,有一古石雕"石獅爺",相貌和功能與風(fēng)獅爺相似。民俗專家說(shuō),"石獅爺"本名"石獅公",可以說(shuō)是風(fēng)獅爺?shù)脑汀?/p>




    他說(shuō),風(fēng)獅爺形象是一步步演變而來(lái)的,跟"石獅公"有極大關(guān)聯(lián)。最早是泰山石敢當(dāng),然后中原文化往南流傳,到了南方則演變成"石獅公"雕塑。到了明朝中末期,翔金兩地人民將"石獅公"再次演變成如今的"風(fēng)獅爺"。目前,石敢當(dāng)、石獅公和風(fēng)獅爺在翔安都能找到??梢哉f(shuō),"石獅公"是"風(fēng)獅爺"的原型。to"choose a stone, Nan Yang, will take great good, color without yellow spots, set before the altar, built after the ancestral temple, carved paper, painting, listed in", make" Wushimuqun stone" leave a good name throughout the ages, known as the ancient national culture art treasures. The temple of a pair of large stone lions, is our country extant lions are the only exact time documented lion art treasures, is a carved stone lions originator: two lions head neck torsion, opening eyes. A lion's left foot is touching a lovely hair curl cubs. The Jiaxiang stone carving artists created by ancient stone carving art, to show the world China's ancient stone brilliant achievements, demonstrated the Chinese nation before1800's superb artistic level, vivid reproduction of the Han Dynasty and preceded the social life, shows the pre-Qin period of history and culture. In the temple, ten emperor of amphibious attack graph portrait stone true to life likeness. The UNESCO has evaluation: the Han Dynasty stone portrait over the same period the Egyptian inscriptions and Greek vase painting. Attracts numerous tourists both from home and abroad, to visit, research scholar. Jiaxiang stone carving art skills, grotesque, is the official offer tribute to the Chinese earliest stone lions in Jiaxiang------" Wushimuqun stone". Jiaxiang dragon stone industry is located in the famous Jiaxiang, beautiful scenery, stone mineral resources are very abundant. Different geological structure, nature has given us the Qingshi, rust stone be richly endowed by nature such as shale resources. When twenty-first Century comes, the human nature, nother nature, shifting nature family environment philosophy is more and more strong, more and more sincere. We and the stone has the edge, with the" stone" love and respect, continue to explore the progress, hard to think hard to carve, utilization of natural stone texture, artistic conception, the traditional carving techniques combined with modern architecture, turn bad into good, harmony between man and nature. Give in the city busy working people offer a warm, natural, simple stone and stone painting works, in order to meet the people's strength to return to natural state of mind.




